CBD and Herbs Products
CBD Oil Tinctures, Lotions, Balms, Gummies, & More
What Our Clients Say
I’ve been able to completely eliminate all Narco and Methadone meds for my lower back pain since using these CBD products, especially the lotion and capsules. I’m not living in a daze anymore. These products are truly amazing. John S.
I’m 98 years old and love getting out with my friends. These hemp capsules really do work at reducing the pain from my back and legs. And I feel great. Phyllis M.
Used to get excruciating leg cramps at night along with shooting pins and needles in my feet: which was caused from my diabetes neuropathy. The capsules and tincture work best for me. Patricia C.
I would like to endorse the products. Namely the CBD tincture, vape oil and lotion. My wife Gloria, has a spinal cord injury with complex pain syndrome. She has been treated with Methadone, Morphine, and Percocet. Since using the CBD products, she has been able to stop the Methadone and Percocet, and she only uses the Morphine on an occasional basis. Edward.
I have been diagnosed with spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, bone spurs and osteoarthrosis in my lower back with extreme pain and numbing neuropathy in my legs and feet. I’m only 56 years old. I’m taking CBD products instead of countless pain meds. The CBD products work without impairing my life or the ability to drive. I’m able to get a full night’s sleep. I can function without the pain in my back. And now I can feel my feet! Being off the pain meds and only using the CBD products, my liver enzymes are normal again and my cholesterol is down to 135. Life is Good. Barbara Lamb RN.